Website analysis tools

One of the most popular ways to analyse your website performance is to use the Google Search Console. This is a comprehensive tool that web designers and web developers can use to see how Google views a website. It can provide a valuable insight into a website performance and report on any problems that may need rectifying, including visibility errors, spam indexing, traffic origination and more.

To add your website to this free tool you will need a Google account which you can set up with an existing or free Gmail address.

Next, go to then log in and follow the instructions below. You can also add a website manager if you want your website designer or web developer to have access to your Google Search Console.  (Instructions to do this are also included below)


Step 1

Select dropdown to choose website property

Step 2

Click 'Add Property'

Step 3

Add the website address you want to set up in the search console

Step 4

Copy the generated google site verification code and add it to the txt record in your web hosting control panel. Or send it to your website 'Manager'

Step 5

After a specified time you can then check that the website has been 'verified' and Google Search console will actively start producing details of the website in the Google Search Console. It may take a few days to get enough relevant information to evaluate the website performance with reasonable accuracy.

Add a Manager to your Google Search Console

To add a manager click the 'Settings' option in the console menu. (see Step 1 below) then click the 'Users and Permissions' link. Next, click the blue button that says 'Add User' and enter the gmail address of the person you want to add as a manager.

Step 1

To add a website manager, log into Google Search Console and click 'Setting's then 'User and Permissions'

Step 2

Enter the gmail address of the person you want to provide access to your Google Search Console and  'Manage' your website