Mail Guard Spam & Virus protection
Protect your mailbox from spam and viruses
* This service is only available to our web hosting customers.
How it works...
1. Genuine E-mail is accepted but the Mail Guard system will block suspected spam messages.
2. If this happens a bounce message is sent back to the sender telling them and will offer them the chance to be added to our whitelist so they can resend the message.
3. They can then follow a link in the bounced message which takes them to our white listing system where they can enter their details.
4. An e-mail will then be sent to them with a link they must click on which shows that they are sending from an address they have access to. This is what prevents spammers from using the system as they rarely use genuine e-mail addresses.
Order now
To add Mail Guard to your email account there is a fee of £36 for 12 months protection.
Please enter your name, domain name and amount you are paying using numbers only (no £ sign) Example: 36.00
Click ‘Pay Now’ button to make payment. (Another secure page will appear to add your payment details)
Why choose Mail Guard?
Spam and viruses have become one of the biggest problems on the internet. They waste time, bandwidth, expose you to fraud and can even damage your computer systems. Mail Guard has been specially developed to block on average 98% of spam and viruses which will be filtered out of your incoming mail. This means they will not end up in your mailbox and never get to your computer. In fact you can have the option to either block spam or have suspicious emails tagged so they can be filtered out using your e-mail client.
Mail Guard features
Mail Guard has many features to protect you from spam and viruses on the internet, below are details on how our system can identify spam and viruses to protect you.
** Heuristics Spam Detection Engine
The Mail Guard spam detection system uses advanced rules to determine if an e-mail message is spam. Unlike most systems that just look for keywords to identify spam, the Mail Guard system looks a little bit closer. The system checks many parts of the e-mail using our own special set of tests. Each test giving the message a score which are then added together at the end and messages with a high enough total score will be classed as spam.
This system is far more advanced than other systems and tests show that Mail Guard has one of the lowest rates of false positives. This is extremely important as many other systems often fall down as they block a lot of genuine E-mail.
** Checksum Databases
Calculating checksums of mail you receive allow us to compare it with multiple databases of confirmed spam messages. These databases contain checksums of mail that other users have already identified as spam and reported. This is definitely one of the best ways to recognise a spam message, as most will have already been reported as spam so our system will know it's spam.
** Virus Scanner
Mail is also virus scanned to check it doesn't contain viruses and is deleted if a virus is detected. Our system is always right up to date with all the latest virus definitions, updating many times throughout the day. It can also scan for viruses hidden in zip files and other compressed files so can be relied upon to protect you.
** Intelligent white listing system
This is a very special part of the system designed to stop any genuine mail being blocked, which under very rare circumstances might be blocked. If this did happen and you have selected to have the mail bounced back, the sender will be given the option to add themselves to a white list. This will allow them to resend their message and prevent it from being blocked.
What makes this system very special is the way it works to prevent spammers from adding their addresses and allows the sender to instantly resend their message. It works like this...
1. Suppose a genuine e-mail is sent to you but our system blocks it as it believes it's spam.
2. An e-mail is sent to this person telling them that this has happened and offers them the chance to be added to our white list so they can resend the message.
3. They follow a link in the bounced message which takes them to our white listing system where they can enter their details.
4. An e-mail will then be sent to them with a link they must click on which shows that they are sending from an address they have access to. This is what prevents spammers from using the system as they rarely use a genuine e-mail address, so they would not be able to complete the white list signup.
Most other spam protection systems do not offer this option and if mail is blocked the sender has no way of getting their mail through. This can mean important e-mail can never get through so this is why we use this system.