Changing nameservers with
To change the domain nameservers to work with your web hosting provider simply follow the steps below.
Step 1. Log into your account with LCN then click on the control panel option in the menu at the top of the page.

Step 2. Next, select 'Domains & Services' from the Services menu (see below).
This will take you to a page which lists your domain names.

Step 3. Click on the domain on which you want to change the nameservers. You will then be taken to the next page where you can add your hosts nameservers.

Step 4. Scroll down the page and you will see a link for 'Change nameservers'.
Click this link and you will be taken to the next page where you can add your hosts nameservers.

Step 5. The final step is to remove and replace the default LCN nameservers with the ones used by your preferred web host (see below example)
Simply type in the nameservers provided by your web hosting service or website developer. The first box is for the 'Primary' nameserver, the second box is for the 'Secondary' nameserver and so on. Any remaining LCN nameservers displayed in the input boxes should be removed and left blank.
Once the new nameservers have been entered click the 'UPDATE' button.
Make sure a message displays to say that the nameserver changes have been submitted. It can take between 12 to 48 hours for changes to take effect.

Thats it, all done!
Keep in mind that changing the nameservers will transfer the control of both the website server settings as well as any email settings you have associated with this domain. If in doubt, consult with your web host company or website developer first before you make these changes.
Quick tip. Check that 'Auto Renew' is set to 'ON' - You can find this in the billing section.
This will ensure your domain name is automatically renewed when it comes up to the renewal date. By doing this you reduce the risk of forgetting to renew your domain name which can lead to the domain name going into a suspension period, and eventually the domain will expire. Your website can also go offline if you go past the renewal date. If you definitely don't want to renew the domain name then this can be set to 'OFF'