'Budget' website designs
At Studio Arts we offer a choice of 'Custom' 'Premium' and 'Budget' website designs to suit most pockets. Our design service includes setting up your website to work with a registered domain name of your choice and providing a reliable, professional web hosting service starting from just £5 per month which includes business domain name associated email addresses and autoresponders. We can also provide premium web hosting which includes SSL certificate for your website, Mail Guard spam and virus filters, your own control panel for access to visitor stats and a mailing list feature when required.
2 page websites starting at just £99 or 1 page at £69
Our budget website design prices start from just £69 including set up fee for a one page 'mobile friendly' website, or £99 for a two page website. Additional pages can be added at the rate of £60 per page. All pages include basic SEO (search engine optimisation) to ensure your pages get found and listed in the top search engines such as Bing, Yahoo and Google. Advanced SEO is also available to existing clients if required to ensure a low cost solution for high ranking results.
Web hosting packages start at £5 per month and SSL certificates can also be installed with our premium hosting package for additional website security. Other useful extra features such as email mailboxes and autoresponders are also available.
To the right is an example of a client's two page website (currently 1st page on Google) which was set up within a few days. Although this was a custom design we also have a range of pre-built templates for certain types of companies including window cleaning services, carpet cleaners and building companies.
Easy ordering - fast set up!
Subject to domain name registration, all premium websites can be set up in demo mode within 2 - 3 days for your preview and review, sometimes even within 24 hours!
Call now for a no obligation free quote
We specialise in helping small to medium 'service' type businesses, clubs and associations who require a 'brochure' style website designed to showcase their business, organisation and services.
For a free quote or advice Tel: 07789 021420 or use our enquiry form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

In a hurry?
Pay a £50 deposit on your website now - Payment can be made via PayPal, credit card/debit card.
If you prefer to pay by bank transfer payment simply contact us for details. After payment we will contact you to start the process of setting up your website.
Complete the order form below

Payments will be made payable to Studio Arts (studioarts@ntlworld.com)
What happens after I pay?
After payment is made a receipt will be sent to your email address from PayPalIf you have any problems or questions about payments or would like to speak to an advisor please contact us.